Monday, November 7, 2011

Home Evening Activities!!!

So this post will probably not be super interesting, but I wanted to write down some stuff, and get some feedback. I'm a home evening leader for my church [learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here], which means that me and another guy in our group plan activities on Monday nights for a small group of single adults. It's like family home evening, except since most of us don't live near our families, we get together as sort of a pseudo-family. It's super fun! I'm quickly running out of ideas of what we could do though for activities...

So family~ tonight we talked about some ideas for activities, which I will list, and then you should comment if you think of others, and also comment which ones sound the most fun. I also am adding a few I thought of myself.

1. Go to the Bean Museum. It's free, and pretty awesome. I think we'll probably do that next week.
2. Have a mini-Thanksgiving. Like every apartment brings some stuff and we all sit around and eat and talk.
3. Go Christmas caroling! We could carol to people in the ward, or to members of the bishopric, or whoever!
4. Decorate (Christmas) cookies and give them away. And eat them.
5. Decorate stockings for ourselves, and then writing notes to each other to put inside them. Plus candy, obviously.
6. Decorate stockings for others, fill with notes and candy. I guess that's more giving haha.
7. Go ice skating.
8. Go sledding/build a snowman. We kind of need snow first.
9. Capture the flag or football with another HE group.
10. Make profiles. Together. Is that weird? I don't know if you guys already have them...
11. Make a family Christmas card! We all dress up in some matchy-matchy way, take a picture as a family, and then print a bunch out and send them to people. Here's a delightful one of the Kardashians I found here.

Also, dear HE group, I want to put together a trip to Temple Square to see the lights some week after Thanksgiving. We probably won't do this on a Monday. I'm guessing it'll work better for people on the weekend. That way we could do dinner before or something!! Start thinking of what weekend (or weekday I guess) will work best for you to go to SLC.

Bring on the ideas!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Does anybody else LOVE pinterest? Because I do. To show you how awesome it is, I will show you some of my most favorite treasures found on pinterest. Clicking on the pictures will take you to their pinterest source.

This just makes me laugh. Or cry with fear. Both.

I know, I'm really mature. But I can't stop giggling.

Haha. But seriously.

There's lots of pretty pictures too. Like Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette.

HAHAHA oh Malfoy.

A quizzical cat wearing a scarf. What's not to love?

Single ladies statue.

Anything with cats, obviously. 

Lots of cutsie stuff too, that's just plain pretty.

Anyways, if you don't use pinterest...maybe you shouldn't. It takes too much time. I like it too much. haha.